I picked up these pens by Kobaru on a recent trip to the stationery store.
The colours caught my eye so I grabbed a few to try out.
I purchased 2 versions of the pens.
The entire range is called MARU liner and there's a regular version and thin version.
The regular version is similar to a highlighter.
The tip is round and fat and the colours are semi opaque, just like a highlighter.
There's also a 2 pen set that comes with a connector so you can use both pens at once or for quick switching between colours.
I found that quite interesting.
The 4 colours I picked.
Standard pink and standard purple were part of a set with the connector.
The olive was a bit too neon for me but I like the 3 other colours, florida pink is nice and soft and would suit any light pink bullet journal or journal layout.
The connector works like this, the pens are also connected so less chance of losing one pen cap at a time.
Slotting/removing the pen is a bit tricky at first but once you do it the first time, it becomes easier.
You can use both pens at once, or use one colour and then quick switch to the other.
The pen tip itself is soft but not too soft.
By adjusting the pressure when using, you can vary the size of the circle/highlight area
The other pen is the thin version, which is similar to a sketch pen.
I really like these 2 colours, they're pretty unique.
The pigment is similar to the regular version so great of underlining or marking out things without it becoming too overpowering.
Oh and you can also use the connector for these, or switch it up and have 1 regular, 1 thin pen at the ready.
I like these pens for the unique connector and colours but as someone who owns a lot of other highlighters, I probably wouldn't buy more.
But if you're someone who needs some small lightweight pens and the convenience of the quick switch connector, these would be perfect for you.
They're great for study or for marking documents.
Would you buy these? Let me know in the comments.