If you are like me, you probably have a lot of washi tape. I'm not going to say too much because there is no such thing *laugh* But if you are feeling a little guilty about your collection, here is a new way to start using them!
Make photo corners from them!

What you'll need:

Tip: Start off with around 10cm worth of tape [Or 4inches for you non metric folks ^^]

And that's it! The back of it is already sticky so its ready for use in your scrapbooks, journals and wherever you can think of!

Naturally its perfect in your TN layout too!

The Masking Tape + Stickers used in this layout is from our March subscription box! See here! [or our etsy store here]
If you try this tutorial out, do share the results with us!
And as always, follow us on facebook and instagram to see more tutorials ^_^
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