I’ve been using the Filofax Clipbook for a few months now and I thought it was time for a mini review!
Filofax is one of those cult brands that have a wide audience and are known for their quality. I had used Filofax a really long time again, when I was starting out with a planner and looking for versatile/flexible system. Unfortunately, it became a bit too much for me so I stopped using it and I haven’t looked at the brand until this year, when I spotted the Clipbook on instagram.
The first thing about the Clipbook is that like most Filofax products, it’s an investment so it’s not the cheapest planner out there. However, it is really good quality. I bought the black A5 clipbook in a material called ‘leather look’ and it feels really soft but not too soft that you can’t take it out or slide it into your bag.
I’m pretty happy with the bullet journal as a planner so I use the clipbook as a notebook. I use dividers, plastic pages and pockets to organise it, I also cut pages out of an A5 notebook because I just prefer to use my favourite paper (Muji dot grid by the way).
One of my favourite things about the flipbook is the rings extend outside the notebook, so you are effectively able to customise the cover. You can punch holes in a card, use a pocket sleeve, laminate something, there are quite a few ways to ‘make it your own’.
I also really like that even with the 6 rings, the clipbook lays flat. Writing is easy and no need to fiddle with the ring mechanism at all.
Overall, I feel very comfortable using the clipbook. Once I had it set up, it became a great system. I think my next move will be to work on the customisable front cover!
FYI, this was one of my recommendations for a Bujo notebook!
The clipbook is compatible with other 6 rings products such as the A5 collection from Kikki.k and some items from our store: Sticker release paper, Pocket folder, Clear cover 6 ring cover
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