It’s always nice to start the year with a fresh new notebook.
I’m using a bullet journal for the 3rd year in a row. That’s a bit of an accomplishment but it really is the best planner system I’ve found.
This year I decided to go with an Archer and Olive A5 dot grid notebook. I love how things like the pen loop and pocket are built in and that the paper is 160gsm, great for laying on colour/drawing and mixed media.

The first 2 pages are laid out as a grid spacing guide (that I’m working on) and my 2019 resolutions.
I decided that I would leave out all the suggested bullet journal pages in favour of ones that I do use.

I then followed that up with 12 spreads of monthly overviews. I used calendar stickers on one side and the other side I will be using for writing down birthdays, events and anything that I will need a quick reference for.

Of course, I need a spread for blogposts. I used film fusens and MT tape to mark out and plan them.

For the January layout, I went with the vertical overview and to do list on 2 pages. I’ve been doing that since I started bullet journaling and I’ve found it very effective so why change it if it’s not broken.

I continued with the vertical theme in the weekly layouts. At the bottom of each day is a spending tracker, I used to do it on a single page but felt that having a daily one made accounting for where my money is going easier to see at the end of the month.

Finally, at the end of each month, I use whatever leftover space is available, or if there isn’t any, I use a post it note, to write a list of things for next month. I transfer all that information to the vertical monthly overview when I set up that month’s pages.
So that was a very basic overview to my 2019 Bullet Journal. I’m adding pages as I go.
What essentials are in your bujo? I’d love to know! and if you haven’t started one yet it’s never too late!
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