Have you ever found the perfect card a little too early and wondered if you ought to buy it? Or perhaps you end up misplacing it in the drawer (you know the one, we all have it) instead?
Well I decided to come up with a way to organize them!
The file I am using is from CAINZ HOMES and has 12 pockets [1 for each month of the year]. Its a very popular item made by them.
There is also an A5 version and an A4 version.
Its useful for sorting monthly bills or savings.
To take note of the monthly birthdays and events which I might need cards for, I have also included monthly calendar pages in each month's pocket.
Now whenever i find the right card, I can purchase it ahead of time and file it in this case!
Last but not least, I added a label indicating what the folder is for. (That is because I have quite a few of these folders for other purposes! They are really useful.)
Have you bought any of these folders before?
What do you use yours for?
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