KOKYUO is a Japanese stationery brand and one of their collections include a pencil case range [SHELLERO] which opens up completely for easy access. I've had my eye on them for a while but was never quite convinced to buy them.
Till now that is.
Yes, they collaborated with my favorite donut store MISTER DONUT to release a limited edition range.
Limited Edition is like bait to me. I cant help but covet and subsequently buy it. [sucker] In all fairness the print is actually quite pretty and i really like the words as well. Sugar Raised. I certainly am LOL.
As expected, it is truly easy to get access to all its contents at one go but i did not realise how big the capacity would be!
Here are all 16 pens from the MILDLINER brush range fitted comfortably inside of it!
A highly reccomended buy for those who bring a lot of stationery on the go with them ^^!
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