My review for these stickers are here.
This app is iOS only (unfortunately). The sticker paper is available for sale here. You will also need an airprint enabled printer.
Download the app here.
I've covered basic usage in the review. Here, I'll guide you through the extremely easy to use app. It's in Japanese but I've translated all the buttons for this guide.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000.0"] When you launch the app, you'll see this page. Choose 'new' for a new sheet of stickers. Later in the app, you'll be given a chance to save before printing so you don't have to finish editing in one go. [/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000.0"] In the next page, you'll select the product you'll be printing onto. All labelyasan stickers come with a product number in front, just enter that into the search and select the product. [/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000.0"] This is the first design page. There are a few options. Select photos: Pick which photos to print. Design: This opens up into another menu (see below). Copy Paste: Copy an image and paste it in another spot. Clone: Fill an entire row with the same image. Delete: Self explanatory. Click print (top right) when you're done, or save (bottom right). [/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="960.0"] In the Design menu, you can realign the image, add frames, text, stickers and dates. (these options will be explained fully in the PDF guide when you purchase the stickers from our Etsy store.) [/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000.0"] If you clicked print, you'll find this review page, here you can check on your photo sheet but using the reduce and magnify options. You can also email the file to yourself. Click print here when you're done. [/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000.0"] If you have not clicked the save button, you get one more chance to save before printing. [/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000.0"] You've come to the end! Hit print, select your printer and print! Tip: The back of the paper will have orientation arrows. Also, make sure there's no other paper in the printer and use the tray alignment to align to the paper size. [/caption]
I hope this guide helped!
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