Recently I've noticed a new addition to the ever growing stationery collection over at DAISO.
Noticing how similar they are to something from MUJI, I decided to pick it up to do a comparison! Here they are side by side :
For comparison's sake, I've purchased them both in A5 size / 5mm Grid / 20 holes.
At first glance, both seem similar enough with the biggest exception that whilst you can place the entire book from MUJI into a file, you will need to remove the cover before you can do the same with the one from DAISO. (The cover does not have holes)
And on the inside (Daiso in front, MUJI in the back)
You can see that the DAISO version is more white with less obvious lines whilst the MUJI version features its standard cream paper with darker lines. Both grids are the same size at 5mm. The paper from both are equally smooth but the MUJI paper is thicker. Recommended if you are worried about the ink going through.
Another difference is the amount of paper you get. MUJI one is 50 pages and DAISO is 30 pages. However DAISO is 100yen + tax (USD$1~) and the MUJI version is 250yen + tax (USD$2.50~)
Note: Prices quoted are RRP in Japan.
The MUJI version also feels like a better product whereas the DAISO version seems a bit filmsy due to the thin cardboard used on the book's back cover. However this is hardly an issue if you are putting it in a file to start with.
The MUJI version is definitely better overall but at the same time, its also 2.5 times more expensive than DAISO. However, I'm unable to say with conviction, which is the one to buy. I think its up to the buyer to decide if the small differences are worth the prices and that should also ultimately determine their choice.
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